A Message from the People is probably my favorite Ray Charles album after his classic Modern Sounds in Country and Western, Vol. 1 and 2. Few things capture the raw optimism of the American Dream as vividly as Ray’s singing and musicality on this album, unifying the hopes and aspirations of a "patchwork nation" throughout each of its ten tracks. Given that today is Election Day in the United States, I can't think of a better album to play (even considering Sondheim's Assassins) while the two presidential candidates face off at the polls.

And after watching the impressive roll call of A-list celebrities—such as Eminem, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, and Cardi B—tripping over themselves to endorse Kamala Harris for the presidency, and with artists like the Rolling Stones and Rufus Wainwright decrying Trump for using their songs at his rallies without permission, I can’t help but think about how Ray Charles deliberately chose to avoid aligning himself with any political party. Instead, he became a universal force for good, promoting ideals of peace, unity, and cultural solidarity across America and the world, using music—not propaganda—as his vehicle for change. Though he performed for both JFK and Nixon, Reagan and Clinton, Charles embodied the spirit of equanimity, refusing to take sides and preferring to let his music speak for itself with its powerful message.

He was a true musical ambassador and messenger on behalf of the people, and his impassioned and soulful rendition of 'America the Beautiful' from the 1972 album is a testament to that.