1 min read


Watching the sheer incompetence of the current iteration of the British government, aggravating for World War 3 at the United Nations while their own domestic corruption and in-fighting play out back home, is quite simply sickening.

I tend to steer clear of politics where I can, but watching the absolute farce on display right now is too much, even for me to remain mute. What we're witnessing is the infantilisation of statecraft by petty authoritarians who are meanwhile imposing more nannying bureaucracy on the good people of this country by way of deflection rather than getting their own house in order first.

Watching Messrs Keir Starmer, Ed Miliband, Rachel Reeves, and David Lammy take control of the levers of power feels like a scene from the worst ever episode of Black Mirror or a superhero movie, where cartoon villains suddenly implement their insane, megalomaniacal plans without any regard for the long-term consequences on the general public or society at large.

Something tells me it's going to be a long five years for Britain, and it's no wonder there’s already capital flight among key business figures—not to mention an exodus of young people from the country, seeking more hopeful environments where they have a better chance of making a success for themselves and their lives. Personally, I don’t blame them. When you're governed by the political equivalent of Angelo from Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure as a leader with his hypocritical pretence of moral authority, it’s probably time to start packing your suitcases.

It's grim gruel for the rest of us, who may have to rely on some deep ancestral grit to get through these 'Doom Days' and save our sanity in this place that once felt like home.