Doug Corleone : One of the markers of genius is to make MEANINGFUL, not trite connect ions between apparently unrelated things. Newton spent most of his time in his room not simply exercising his cerebral cortex but unlocking his subconscious by meditation.
So try this exercise today.
- Open a dictionary at random in different places
- Write down 3 words, whatever they are
- Gaze at these words. Do NOT think.
- Let the subconscious tie them together
- Write a PROFOUND paragraph utilising what the subconscious has drawn forth
- Stand back in amazement.
The Words
Doug Corleone: My Consigliere this is IMPORTANT.
The exercise is NOT designed to train you to make CEREBRAL Connections. It is designed to CALL FORTH the subconscious.
So there are 2 stages BEFORE you write your paragraph.
Stage 1. Look at the words. Because of your undoubted verbal ability, you will soon string together basic connect ions.
Stage 2. Ignore such connect ions and keep looking at the words until the subconscious goes through them to reach the core.
At this stage connect ions will MANIFEST themselves in a VISION, or SOUNDS. When this sort of connect ion has been made, using the VISIONARY or AUDITORY experience of Stage 2. Then and then only write your paragraph.
The Paragraph
This recruit thinks he can deceive me with his constructed persona which he parades proudly in front of me thinking I can't see what he's doing. I've been in this game way too long not to see beyond his vain theatre of pretence. Breaking down these constructs is what I'm paid for. And the truth is, I do far more than just break them - I smash them. In the end, all he'll be left with is a blank, transparent canvas onto which I will draw his future.