I forgot to mention in relation to the last post/essay 'Moonlight, Linden Blossom And Midsummer Madness' that it was prompted by my remembering that I wrote that a year ago before my father died but never found the time (given the circumstances) to post it before now.

Today, a dour Scottish woman whose voice has always closely resembled the footballer/commentator Graham Souness reminded me that tomorrow is the official summer solstice according to Romans, Mayans and anyone she remotely respected historically and spiritually. It is also the day of St John's (as in Baptist) feast.

It was perhaps ironic that I was attempting to get away from her at the time that she wanted to tell me something about my father and his gifting her an incredible photography book on the outer Hebrides that she has completely transformed my perspective on the eve of the day my father died.

For now, it was be seen as St John's Day, Summer Solstice (according to Romans, Mayans, etc), and Act 3 finale of Die Meistersinger all wrapped up as one perfectly symbolic day and not so much the day of sadness I was anticipating.

Next time I'll be a little more forgiving of that Scottish misanthrope.

That is all!

Digital Renegade

23rd June 2023