Dear Readers,
Before I wrap up my blog on this platform at the end of next month I thought I would preview some forthcoming titles that I will be posting on here before then.
So without going into any detail whatsoever, I'm just going to throw some titles at you all just like Alan Partridge does in that classic scene of the comedy show when he frantically pitches to a deeply unimpressed BBC commissioner at a restaurant lunch. "Monkey Tennis" definitely still needs to happen in my humble opinion.
And now, without any further ado here are some of my new works I plan to post in the immediate future.
Drum roll, please ...
The 3rd and final part of my 'Rickshaw Boy' trilogy will be dropping soon and it would be remiss of me not to mention 'Orson's Santa', 'Ed Rooney's Day Off' and 'Sun Bear Shibari' will also be arriving shortly which I say with the confidence of an expectant mother (my analogies need more work I know.)
"John Cage And The Diamond Sutra" is a story meditation on enlightenment and music and "Baby's Got A Temper" will bring new meaning to the expression 'what goes around comes around.' A sequel to one of my early original Digital Renegade stories 'Dreich' will finally have its 'long awaited' sequel 'Farewell To Stromness'.
'Over The Bridge', Service Station Rendevouz' and 'The Islands Of Ideas' as well as 'The Red Wood' will also be included as part of this final 'meridian trench' run of mine before I finally blow up the death star.
No doubt they'll be many more before August 27th as I am bringing various themes, ideas, and collections (of sorts) to a head but I thought I would 'Partridge' these titles into existence first just so the universe is ready to receive them. And of course my dear readers hopefully. The universe comes first though! ^^
I truly appreciate all of you that still take the time to read my crazy, eclectic stuff and I'll hope to keep you entertained with my madness just a little while longer.
Have a great weekend!
Digital Renegade
July 21st 2023