1 min read


If this is my public I'm ready for you
If this is my public I'm turning the screw

Well, it's raining with a vengeance today, and I swear I saw Noah and his Ark sail right past me just now in the street, swerving round a pile up of cars bobbing like bath ducks on raging torrents of rain water from bursted sewers. It also seems apt that the morbidly dreary Labour Party is holding its annual party conference today, as it peddles more misery for the general public whilst enjoying luxury donations. Now that's what I call solidarity, comrade.

Days like this prompt me to find some 'pick-me-up' tracks to counter the depressing weather and state of the nation, and so, happily, I re-discovered an old Mull Historical Society track from 2001 called 'Public Service Announcer' that is supposedly about a public service announcer who hates his job. I still don't why exactly I return to this album opener after all these years as it's insanely repetitive, but the ear worm chorus chant of 'does anyone know if my stereo's on?" is somehow like a mantra that becomes semi-hypnotic and rouses me from soggy inertia on this wretched Monday in Britain.

Of course, it would take a Scot (Colin MacIntyre) to cheer up this Englishman.

The irony! ^^