Just woke up and saw lights flashing.
Got me rattled like Michael Corleone in Godfather 2 when the assassins try and shoot him through his bedroom window. I reckon I easily got as many enemies as he do in that movie.
My security is on point though so nothing to worry about. Any time so much as a grasshopper sneezes the lights in the compound flash on and followspot the tiny son of a bitch.
Even better when some robbing ass motherfucker or Charlie Manson type night freak plan on breaching my place, they finna to be instant celebrities. I'll make them go viral with my high definition security cameras. Who knows? They might even be my next album cover.
But I'm mostly chill when I lie in bed at night. It's almost like I'm the Hip Hop Bruce Wayne and I get time off from being a celebrity superhero or super villain, depending on who you talk to.
For sure, I think about some of those broken hearts I left behind in my rear view. Fatal Attraction wasn't no joke. I'm telling you there are women out there like that bunny boiler.
But lying here here right now all I can think about is Amulya and how we keep putting off the inevitable, like an expensive desert you be dribbling over but don't want to spoil with your spoon. Maybe we both too wary because we both too weary. I know she been in and out of love and lust almost as much as me. When that time comes when you finally settle and you got to go home, it feels like you're conceding defeat.
But I know I won't put the ghosts of my past to bed til she's lying here beside in my bed.
Okay. Those lights are flashing again.
I better go see what it's all about.

Don't get it twisted.
I'm just waiting outside his ocean front pad, waiting for him to step out with another model so I can finally confront him about his serial betrayal.
This is my line in the sand.
We never officially broke up so I don't know why he thinks he's gonna get away with this trail of broken hearts he's leaving behind in his wake. He ain't Zeus or Jesus, for Christ's sake.
Why is it an artist think he lives in some different moral universe to the rest of us? Making banging tunes for the club don't excuse you from being an asshole. Maybe that's why I don't feel so bad about going to TMZ with my story. You got to bring down these giants from time to time when they get too big and can't see they own reflections no more, like cutting down a big old beanstalk.
I don't think he understands the torment I went through being discarded for other models that all seem like replicas of me. It's some weird shit that he likes to find lookalikes of the same girl. Something psychological about that shit.
But you wanna know what's really crazy?
They all look like his dead mother.
I know. It's twisted.
Even though I got my very own beautiful black Adonis lying next to me, it don't really matter cos it's not him. By which I mean Laikin aka Tetsuo.
I still don't truly know why me and Tetsuo don't get it together except to say we're just too cool for school, or in this case too cool for each other.
Even though this is just a fly by night type of deal with this guy snoring away, I feel weird about texting Tetsuo right now even though my heart is telling me too. It's beating harder than a drum machine right now and I'm worried it's gonna give me away and wake him up. I'm really not kidding. My heart is just like that crazy monster in Alien, only it's gonna burst out my chest and not my stomach like the dude in the film.
I know. Weird, right?
I wonder if he hears those vibrations and senses them like emotional smoke signals or some form of extra terrestial telepathy like that movie E.T.
Vibes are strong tonight. I wonder what he's up to. Maybe I'll leave Sleeping Beauty here and go do a midnight drive by and see if he's left his lights on.
I start work for my new boss Tetuso for real first thing in morning.
From now on my life will never be the same. I've crossed the rubicon from my old life into my new one. I'm picking out my clothes so I hope I don't get called out for being too dusty. After all he's a fashion icon.
Feels like Christmas Eve right now; you know, when you wait up listening out for Santa to bring the presents to the foot of your bed.
Well, tomorrow I'm going to the North Pole, Los Angeles style. Haha!
I'm the black Elf. You know that Will Ferrell movie? I'll be singing and dancing like a crazy person. No I won't. I'll be chill.
I'll try get some sleep now even though I know I'll be hyper like a kid with ADD.
Come on tomorrow. I need you right now.
Man. It's gonna be a long night.

Now I know how those big game hunters feel when they catch their prey. We didn't bag him per se or shoot off his head but we got enough to run amok on IG and Twitter with it. Didn't expect the insane verbals but maybe he was taken off guard and went all defensive. Element of surprise and all that.
If anyone should be mad it's me, though. The guy fucked me over several times without being straight with me.
Anyway, he got his pound of flesh when he broke my heart and now I got mine. I don't care how ruthless it seems. This town is full of faithless predators and if you ask me, he'll never find true love all the time he be fucking replicas of his dead mother. Yeah, I know. It's pretty dark. I do go a little crazy when I'm mad.
But I mean what I say. He'll never find love in this town.
Not unless he renounces fame and celebrity.
But he ain't gonna do that.
He's already make his pact with the devil, his deal at the crossroads.
Turns out I got a ghost from girlfriends past stalking me.
When I went to confront Eve, who was parked just opposite my main gate, I got papped like I was at a red carpet event.
Feel bad calling her a "spoiled little LA Girl" though cos I know that's gonna be clipped on social media anytime now. Maybe I just turn it into the title of my next track so it looks like it was already on my mind. That's my stream of consciousness flow way of doing things.
Keep it creative, even in the midst of a sting. Haha!
I'm too fleet of foot in this game to be stopped now baby.
Heading back into my place, I see another car with its headlights turned off. I know I pissed a lot of people off but surely lightning don't strike twice on the same night.
Shit. He's seen me. At least I think he did. I'm not much good at this stealth game.
Weird, though. It looked like he saw me and then just walked back into his place without saying a word.
Should I text him?
Okay, I'll text him.
No. I'll ring the buzzer. Okay, so what? I'm throwing away my power when I could have stayed back home. Stupid Amulya. What were you thinking?
Fuck it. Here goes nothing.
DAMN! Set my car alarm off.
Okay. Now I got no place to hide so may as well go the full hog and make a 100% fool of myself.
Damn. I'm such a clutz sometime.
What am I thinking? I'm not thinking.
I'm in love.