“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength” - 1984 (Orwell)
A Week Is A Long Time
Well, what a week in geopolitics it's been. We're truly living in a bizarre, messed-up world where a man comically pretends to be an international titan while, domestically, he’s nothing more than a tinpot dictator. No, I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about Keir Starmer—a man who shape-shifts depending on who he’s in the room with, as long as it ensures his grip on power.
How anyone can see this Davos man as anything other than an utter traitor to his country is beyond me, but there we go. It appears that it’s mostly the pearl-clutching centrist dad brigade—including the likes of Rory 'Dobby' Stewart and Alastair 'Iraq War' Campbell of the podcast industrial complex—who still, in their delusion, believe Starmer is remotely competent and far from dangerous in his ambition. Meanwhile, these same people, with their masturbatory podcasts, eagerly itch for World War 3 with Russia at any cost and talk about Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky as if he were a god among men, offering zero scrutiny of their olive-green idol and his woeful attempts at deal making. Our political and media class's failure to properly question a man we've practically bankrupted our countries for is remarkable when you consider how unremitting TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) has been in our media for the better part of ten years now. For example, no one watching the full fifty-minute exchange last Friday at the White House between Zelensky and Trump could have missed Zelensky's rather crude threat to America (his chief benefactors) in his heated exchange with the 47th president—it was both chilling and deeply unpleasant and yet almost willfully ignored by the media.
"If one views carefully all the 50-minute tape, most of it was going quite well—until Zelenskyy started correcting Vance firstly, and Trump secondly. By Ukraine-splaining to his hosts, and by his gestures, tone, and interruptions, he made it clear that he assumed that Trump was just more of the same compliant, clueless moneybags Biden waxen effigy. And that was naïve for such a supposedly worldly leader." - Victor Davis Hanson
I can only imagine that if it’s not Ukraine’s precious earth minerals the Ukrainian President's been snorting, then it must be one hell of a cold he's caught, as Volodymyr spends half his time sniffing and clearing his nose during his fundraising tour of the West. It’s amusing—if a little concerning—in a Tony 'Scarface' Montana kind of way.
Certainly, as cults go, the Zelensky cult is second only to the mask-wearing COVID maniacs, who were all too happy to trample over civil liberties in the name of their viral hysteria. With “friends” like these in the West, who needs enemies? Serious question.
We've turned into a nation of ninnies who coalesce like a hunting pack whenever anyone dares to contest the hysterical "boomer truth" orthodoxy and its' liberal democratic' totalitarianism.

Orange Man Good?
Watching both David Lammy and Keir Starmer cosy up to President Trump in the Oval Office—after years of actively campaigning against the “orange man”—was both hilarious and icky in equal measure. The double invitation of two state visits was delicious to watch, as Starmer handed the 47th a letter like a dutiful page boy. More grotesque, however, was Starmer’s stubborn insistence that the United Kingdom isn’t currently losing its grip on freedom of speech, despite the fact that many people (including grandmothers with Facebook accounts) have been questioned by the police, and some even jailed, for “inflammatory” comments made on social media. Given that the UK is currently ranked in the third tier on a global index of freedom of expression—thanks to the ‘chilling effect’ of government policies, policing, and the intimidation of journalists—while Chile, Jamaica, and most other Western European states rank above us in the list compiled by the advocacy group Index on Censorship, I’m sure you’ll forgive me for feeling a little like Winston Smith these days—though I’m pretty sure Orwell himself would sympathise with my position. I'm even looking over my shoulder as I write this (not me, you understand—Digital Renegade, whoever he/she/they is. ^^) The framing of political narratives in the UK right now is straight out of the Ministry of Truth playbook, and it is gravely concerning. It makes me seriously question how we’ll ever recover from this seemingly incurable virus of dangerous idiocy, which stems all the way back to the nation's hysterical reaction to Diana's death in 1997—when the last of the stiff upper lips were drowned among a sea of wobbling ones.
Starmer’s most toxic conceit of late is his attempt to recover his historically low approval ratings by going full Lord Kitchener regarding Ukraine—after waging war against his own native population for the past eight months of his premiership, attacking all remaining pillars of societal decency that simply want their country to be safe and free. We’re well through the looking glass at this stage. If you’re ashamed of and hate your own country (which Starmer undoubtedly does), why would you imagine you could inspire its people to defend it—just to satisfy your own power trip abroad? When you wilfully hollow out, demoralise, and cast scorn upon the bedrock of traditional British values, you truly have some gall to then expect the sons and daughters of these lands to be sent through the meat grinder of war—just so you can peacock on the world stage. Despicable.
The cynic in me thinks all this Ukraine/Russia conflict plays happily into Starmer’s EU-obsessed mentality—perhaps the only thing he truly believes in above all else. For a man who loves to talk so passionately about Ukraine’s sovereignty, it’s hard not to choke on the hypocrisy of his “conviction” when most of us remember all too well that Starmer actively campaigned to reverse the Brexit vote of 2016 through the courts. This man doesn’t care about Britain's sovereignty. He cares about increasing bureaucratic state control, absorbed into even larger political structures. Perhaps he wants to be the King of Europe, though he'll have to fight Macron and his Napoleon complex first to claim the title.

Sheer Squirmer
Though it was satisfying to see squirming Starmer get his arse lightly spanked in front of the world’s media by Vice President Vance on the pressing issue of our declining standards of freedom of speech, it’s going to take much more pressure from other countries to help us hold on to the freedoms that have long defined England and Britain. After all, how can we seriously maintain any pretence of moral authority abroad when it’s obvious to anyone with half a brain that we’ve been sliding into authoritarianism for some time—accelerated significantly since Starmer moved into No. 10 last July.
Not to mention the increasing threat of Islamofascism—a cultural force the insane progressive left (and the rest of us) will ultimately struggle to coexist with as the halal chickens come home to roost. Believing you can shape the external world based on your delusional set of utopian beliefs won’t make it so. It’s going to be an especially cruel and sobering wake-up moment for those deluded fools when it finally happens, though I sometimes wonder whether the spell can ever be broken for people so convinced of their 'progressive' moral certainty—which is, essentially, fundamentalist itself. They say you shouldn't wake a sleepwalker, but when an army of them, like zombies, threatens to push the rest of us off a cliff like lemmings, maybe it's time to bang some pots. I'm increasingly feeling like Friedrich Reck-Malleczewen, who wrote the famous journal Diary of a Man in Despair about the mass psychosis that took hold of his country in 1930s and 1940s Germany—though I haven't quite started burying the pages of my blogs in my back garden just yet.

The Toolmaker Son's King
Adding to this fever dream of madness over the past week, Starmer has been pimping out King Charles as a political tool (the opposite approach of his late mother) and doubling down on crass optics for his own self-importance regarding Zelensky and Ukraine. This infantilisation of our country by bureaucratic altruists is thoroughly depressing—and it’s only going to get worse. When the media and the barmy army of career politicians—such as Tobias Ellwood and his ilk—are banging the drums of war, it’s time to question the narrative.
I’m personally so glad I escaped the sickly spell of legacy media and those on its payroll years ago—grateful that we still (just about) have access to independent commentators and journalists who refuse to be spellbound by operation propaganda and who effectively lift the veil on the fog of war as it plays out before us like a grotesque carnival. Johnson followed by Starmer with their endless war hoggery is certainly an unedifying circus act to behold, the General Melchetts of our age.