I'm currently doing time.
Serving time in my own self-made prison. It's kind of a pretty prison I got here though I will say the rent's a little high but make no mistake, it's still a prison.
What's my exact crime, you're asking me?
Believing in me.
Yep. It's that simple.
You see I was the judge in my own trial after I got kicked out of college and passed a sentence of 5 years for myself to reach the stars. If I don't make it by then, I'll be in reality jail for real, for real the rest of my life.
Can't see anyway other way of breaking free from this life other than making art and I'm not talking about crazy ass bitch Veronica making abstract art about her pussy either or that freak show Vernon from my art college who made a sculpture of his own limp dick out of paperclips - something to do with being a symbol of emasculation in the 21st Century. Bullshit!
For me, art is about opening the bird cage of our imprisoned lives so our hearts and minds can soar. Art is simply breaking free of your reality. At least that's how I feel about it. The last frontier is actually your own damn mind and I ain't giving it up for nobody. Not a man, not my friends or family and definitely not the government.
I had this crazy dream the other night that in the future you'll need a licence for your own mind just like they do with guns. If you don't qualifiy for a permit to think, you'll be forced to work as a servant to robots.
My dreams are seriously fucked up, but what do you expect? I'm a visionary.
Anyway, what else is the point of making art if it isn't to break free of a conventional life sentence on earth. Not that I'm judging anyone who works a 9-5. It's just I was born with this mindset that made me want to be liberated 24/7.
Only thing I ever worry about is self delusion. Ain't nobody round me right now I truly respect who's gonna tell me if I'm shit so I got to trust that I'm self aware enough to make the right decisions. I been told I should get a mentor. Yeah I get it. But what people don't realise is I got hundreds of mentors, all the many geniuses that inspire me every day of my life. They keep me honest, holding me to account by their incredible standards of actualisation.
Right now, it's late afternoon and it's winter and I'm freezing my titties off in this pretty shit hole apartment But you know what? I am making some amazing art and that right there is keeping me warm.
Just wait til I break outta here. Y'all gonna hear about it.